Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Summer 2024
2022-2023 |2021-2022 |2020-2021 I 2019-2020 |2018-2019 |2017-2018
2016-2017 |2015-2016 |2014-2015 |2013-2014 |2012-2013| 2011-2012
2010-2011| 2009-2010| 2008-2009| 2007-2008| 2006-2007| 2005-2006| 2004-2005
Part of Term (POT) values indicate the time frame for the course. The Class Schedule shows what part of term each course is scheduled in to assist with identifying deadlines:
1 = full 16 week semester (approximately 8/24/2020 - 12/09/2020 plus finals)
A = first 8 weeks of the semester (approximately 8/24/2020 - 10/16/2020)
B = second 8 weeks of the semester (approximately 10/19/2020 - 12/09/2020 plus finals)
5 pm
Instruction begins
POT A Instruction begins
Last day for GRAD to add a POT A course via Self-Service
Last day for GRAD to drop POT A course for refund if reducing assessment range
Deadline for GRAD to submit form to elect to audit a POT A course
Deadline for GRAD to submit form to elect to audit a semester course
Deadline to submit form to elect in absentia registration for the term
Last day for GRAD to add a semester course via Self-Service
Last day for GRAD to drop a semester course for refund if reducing assessment range
Labor Day (all-campus holiday)
Last day for GRAD to elect credit-no-credit option for a POT A course or to change from credit-no-credit option to a regular grade
Last day for GRAD to drop a POT A course without grade of W and without approval
Last day for GRAD to drop a semester course on Student Self-Service
Last day for GRAD to drop a POT A course with approval (a W is recorded)
POT A Instruction Ends
Last day for GRAD to add POT B course via Student Self-Service
Last day for students to drop POT B course for refund if reducing assessment range
Last day for GRAD to submit a change of curriculum request for the current term. This includes changing your degree program or adding/dropping a minor or concentration.
Deadline for GRAD to submit form to elect to audit a POT B course
Last day for GRAD to add themselves to December degree list via Student Self-Service
Last day for graduate department to submit a form to add a student to the December degree list
Last day to take final exam for December doctoral degree
Thanksgiving Break (all-campus holidays)
Last day to complete deposit of December doctoral dissertations (5:00 pm)
Instruction ends
POT B Instruction ends
Reading Day
Last day for GRAD to add or change credit hours in a semester course with approval
Last day for GRAD to change a grade of DFR (in a non-thesis course) or I, awarded last spring or summer to prevent F by rule
Fri, Dec 11
Fri, Dec 11 - Fri, Dec 18
Final examination period
Last day for GRAD to drop (without approval and without a "W") a full semester course, second 8 week course or non-standard course with an end date after December 1
Last day for GRAD to withdraw from the current term without a grade of W
Part of Term (POT) values indicate the time frame for the course. The Class Schedule shows what part of term each course is scheduled in to assist with identifying deadlines:
1 = full 16 week semester (approximately 1/19/2021 - 5/5/2021 plus finals)
A = first 8 weeks of the semester (approximately 1/19/2021 - 3/12/2021)
B = second 8 weeks of the semester (approximately 3/22/2021 - 5/5/2021 plus finals)
Fri,Jan 22
Last day for GRAD to add a POT A course via Self-Service
Deadline for GRAD to submit form to elect to audit a POT A course
Last day for GRAD to drop a POT A course for refund if reducing assessment range
Last day for GRAD to add a semester course on Student Self-Service
Deadline for GRAD to submit form to elect to audit a semester course
Deadline for GRAD to elect "in absentia" registration for the Spring term
Last day for GRAD to drop a semester course for refund if reducing assessment range
Last day for GRAD to add (with approval) a POT A course.
Deadline for ALL students to drop a POT A (1st 8 week) course via Student Self-Service without grade of W
POT A Instruction ends
Mon, Mar 22
POT B instruction begins
Fri, Mar 26
Last day for GRAD to add a POT B course via Self-Service
Deadline for GRAD to submit form to elect to audit a POT B course
Last day for GRAD to drop a POT B course for refund if reducing assessment range
Last day for GRAD programs to add students to the degree list who cannot add themselves via Student Self Service
Last day for GRAD to submit a change of curriculum request for the current term. This includes changing your degree program or adding/dropping a minor or concentration.
Fri, Apr 9
Last day to take final exam for May doctoral degree
Last day to complete deposit of May doctoral dissertations (5pm)
Instruction ends
POT B Instruction ends
Last day for GRAD to withdraw from the current term without a grade of W
Last day for GRAD to drop a semester course without a grade of W and without approval
Last day for GRAD to drop a POT B course via Student Self-Service
Reading Day
Last day for GRAD to add or drop a POT B course with approval (a W is recorded)
Last day for GRAD to add or drop a semester course with approval (a W is recorded)
Last day for GRAD to change a grade of DFR (in a non-thesis course) or I, awarded last fall to prevent F by rule
Fri, May 14
May degree conferral. See the Commencement Office for details about the ceremony.
1 = Full 12 week semester (5/17/2021 - 8/5/2021 plus finals and often for independent study)
SF = Full 12 week semester (5/17/2021 - 8/5/2021 plus finals)
S1 = First 4 weeks of the semester (5/17/2021 - 6/11/2021 plus finals)
S2 = 8 weeks of the semester after S1 (6/14/2021 - 8/5/2021 plus finals)
S2A = First 4 weeks of S2 (6/14/2021 - 7/9/2021)
S2B = Second 4 weeks of S2 (7/12/2021 - 8/5/2021 plus finals)
Last day for GRAD to add a S1(4 week) course via Self-Service
Deadline for GRAD to submit form to elect to audit a S1 (4 week) course
Last day for GRAD to drop a S1 (4 week) course for refund if reducing assessment range (if not registered for courses in any other summer terms)
Deadline for GRAD to submit form to elect to audit a SF (12 week) course
Last day for GRAD to add a SF (12 week) course via Self-Service
Last day for GRAD to drop a SF (12 week) course for refund if reducing assessment range (if not registered for courses in any other summer terms)
Last day for GRAD to elect credit-no-credit option for a S1 (4 week) course or to change from credit-no-credit option to a regular grade
Last day for GRAD to drop a S1 (4 week) course without a grade of W and without approval
Deadline to cancel S1 Independent Study and summer 2 registration if you are not enrolled for any other summer course
Fri, Jun 11
S1 (4 week) Instruction ends
Last day for GRAD to add or drop a S1 (4 week) course with approval (a W is recorded)
Last day to cancel S1 Independent Study, S2 (8 week), and S2A (4 week) registration via College Office (if not registered for any other summer courses)
Deadline for GRAD to submit form to elect to audit a S2A (4 week) course
Last day for GRAD to add or drop a S2A (4 week) course via Self-Service
Last day for GRAD to drop a S2A (4 week) course for refund if reducing assessment range (if not registered for any other summer courses)
Deadline for GRAD to submit form to elect to audit a S2 (8 week) course
Deadline to submit form to elect in absentia registration for the current term
Last day for GRAD to add a S1 Independent Study or S2 (8 week) course via Self-Service
Last day for GRAD to drop a S1 Independent Study or S2 (8 week) course for refund if reducing assessment range (if not registered for any other summer courses)
Last day for GRAD to add themselves to Aug degree list via Student Self-Service and for departments to add students
Last day for GRAD to submit a change of curriculum request for the current term. This includes changing your degree program or adding/dropping a minor or concentration.
Last day for GRAD to drop a S2A (4 week) course without a grade of W and without approval
Last day for GRAD to elect credit-no-credit option for a S2A (4 week) course or to change from credit-no-credit option to a regular grade
Last day to take final exam for Aug doctoral degree
Independence Day, observed (all campus holiday)
Last day for GRAD to add or drop a S2A (4 week) course with approval (a W is recorded)
Last day for GRAD to drop a SF (12 week), S1 Independent Study, or S2 (8 week) course via Self-Service
Last day to cancel S2B (4 week) registration via College Office (if not registered for any other summer courses)
S2A (4 week) Instruction Ends
Deadline for GRAD to submit form to elect to audit a S2B (4 week) course
Last day for GRAD to add or drop a S2B (4 week) course via Self-Service
Last day for GRAD to drop a S2B (4 week) course for refund if reducing assessment range (if not registered for any other summer courses)
Last day to complete deposit of Aug doctoral dissertations (5pm)
Last day for GRAD to drop a SF (12 week), S1 Independent Study, or S2 (8 week) course without a grade of W and without approval
Last day for GRAD to elect credit-no-credit option for a SF (12 week) or S2 (8 week) course, or to change from credit-no-credit option to a regular grade
Last day to complete deposit of Aug Master's theses (5pm)
Last day for GRAD to drop a S2B (4 week) course without a grade of W and without approval
Last day for GRAD to elect credit-no-credit option for a S2B (4 week) course or to change from credit-no-credit option to a regular grade
Thur,Aug 5
Last day for GRAD to add or drop a SF (12 week), S1 Independent Study, S2 (8 week), or S2B (4 week) course with approval (a W is recorded)
Instruction ends (12pm)
Reading Day (1pm)
Fri, Aug 6 - Sat,Aug 7