Pisces Daily Horoscope - Pisces Horoscope Today (2024)

Author: Punit Pandey | Updated Wed, 17 Jul 2024 12:01 AM IST

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Health remains good. Investment needs to be made with a long-term perspective. Fix up something exciting and entertaining for the later half of the day. Likely to feel the presence in absence of your partner. Work tensions still cloud your mind leaving no time for family and friends. Your free time will be wasted today because of any unnecessary work. Your married life is all about fun, pleasure, and bliss today.

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Lucky Number :- 4

Lucky Color :- Brown and Grey

Remedy :- For quick growth in the area of profession, rise up early in the morning, greet the rising Sun and chant Gayatri Mantra 11 times.

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Love Matters: Pisces Daily Horoscope - Pisces Horoscope Today (28)Pisces Daily Horoscope - Pisces Horoscope Today (29)Pisces Daily Horoscope - Pisces Horoscope Today (30)Pisces Daily Horoscope - Pisces Horoscope Today (31)Pisces Daily Horoscope - Pisces Horoscope Today (32)

Occupation: Pisces Daily Horoscope - Pisces Horoscope Today (33)Pisces Daily Horoscope - Pisces Horoscope Today (34)Pisces Daily Horoscope - Pisces Horoscope Today (35)Pisces Daily Horoscope - Pisces Horoscope Today (36)Pisces Daily Horoscope - Pisces Horoscope Today (37)

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These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!

Pisces Daily Horoscope - Pisces Horoscope Today (43)

Pisces daily horoscopeis an astrological guideline served to our followers in order to make them aware about what to expectin future before it occurs. It is good enough if you have the information prior to the happening ofany new task. In India, people believe in checking panchangamto find an auspicious muhurat before starting any new venture. Pisces horoscope today will help youto let know about your event on prior basis and actual consequences of that particular task. We don'tforget to check favourable time to commence any new venture.

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You may have questions in your mind related to Pisces zodiac sign like Who do Pisces not get along with?Who should a Pisces marry? Are Pisces mean? Are Pisces bipolar? What is so special about being a Pisces?Here on Astrosage, Pisces horoscope today will help you to know all these questions coming into yourmind. However, before heading towards Pisces daily horoscope, let's understand about Pisces sign.

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What is Pisces Zodiac Sign?

Pisces daily horoscope is based on the twelfth sign of Kaal Purush Kundali and represents its twelfth house. It is the last sign of Zodiac in general. It is of300 in longitude. It gets extended from 3300 from the vernal equinox to 3600. This is the ending pointof the Zodiac. The 30th degree of Pisces and 00 of Aries are the same point. Sun is in northern course while passing to this sign.

According to Sayana system, Sun transits into Piscessign on or around 19th feb and passes on to Aries on or around 21st March. According to Nirayana system,Zodiacs are fixed as Sun enters into this sign on 12th March and leaves this sign on 13th April of everyyear. This sign is governed by planet Jupiter.It is the exaltation sign of planet Venus. Mercury gets debilitated in this sign. Saturn also doesn'tlose its strength and becomes auspicious for the native.

Pisces Tomorrow's Horoscope

As per Hindu Astrology, Jupiter and Venus are enemy to each other. It means they may differ in theirqualities like thoughts, actions, mode of life, company, society etc. Hence it is recommended not toassume Jupiter and Venus as a complete enemy of each other. Jupiterians believe in spirituality whereasVenusians believe in materialis life and hence enjoy all the comforts of the world.

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It is the friendly sign to Sun, Moon and Mars. The pictorial symbol of this sign is two fishes, oneis facing to north direction whereas other one is facing towards South. It is also known as the signof "Moksha". Pisces is a watery, common, cold, Ubaya, feminine, fruitful, psychic, emotional etc.

Pisces Born people and their Physical Appearance

As we have already discussed all about Pisces sign, now, we will discuss about physical appearance ofPisces born people. People born under any particular sign of zodiac do reflect different traits. Itis a commonly combined effect of planets, rashi and nakshatra on us. Pisces horoscope today would enableyou to let know about the some significant and common physical appearances of Pisces born. If you arePisces born, we hope that you may find some common traits or expressions within you. Let's know fewphysical appearance below about Pisces:

  • They are generally short in height.
  • They are plumpy and weigh as much as tall person.
  • They have short and stout hands and feet.
  • The shoulders are muscular and spherical.
  • They have big and protruding eyes.
  • They have soft and silky hair.

Characteristics of Pisces Born People

As we have already described about physical appearances of Pisces born people. Now we will disclosefew characteristic and traits ofCapricorn born. For more information about daily basis, you must read our Pisces daily Horoscope,it will let you know about your results of the day on prior basis, so that remedial actions can be takenout if needed. It would guide you in a right direction to proceed your important tasks of that particularday. Let's understand below common characteristics of Pisces born people:

  • They are good philosopher and related to progeny due to the ownership ruled by the planet Jupiter.
  • They are restless, ever dreamy, contemplating, imagining and never hesitate to lead a romantic life.
  • They are honest, outspoken, helpful and humane. They don't go into the cause of other's troubles, butlead with their assistance at one call.
  • Just like water, which is used to blow out fire, Pisces born people also calm down their enemies. Theytreat them with courtesy and forgive them.
  • As it is a dual sign, hence they are more likely to a puzzle to others and to themselves too.
  • People sometimes may find contradiction in their nature. They cannot be steady. They are mostly sweettempered and socially inclined.
  • They will be polite and modest. Being the exaltation sign of Venus, they may be poet, musician or painteror serve in a makeup room as they are harmless.
  • They are best fitted for planning commission. These types of people are really difficult to cope upwith.
  • They will have desire to study occult science, the divine life, due to 12th house of zodiac. They aretimid and have no self confidence. They will have wish to go overseas and will visit foreign lands.
  • They are extravagant due to the second sign, ruled by planet Mars. they earn more and spend also much.They are frank and fearless.
  • They have good neighbours due to the lordship of planet Venus over 3rd house. They will be studiousand keep changing their residence.
  • Being fifth house ruled by planet Moon, they are more timid, dreamy and imaginative. They have one defect,that is relying upon all their friends and later realising that the world is full of both good and wickedpeople. Hence we may say that wisdom comes late.

What does Pisces sign signify in various aspects of life?

Pisces horoscope today will help you to know about your various aspects of life on daily basis. Youcan calculate your day to day tasks through Pisces daily horoscope. We need to understand first whatPisces sign signifies in our daily life through Pisces horoscope today. If you wish to know about yourvarious aspects of life based on your life's major events, you must read our various aspects of liferepresented by zodiac sign Pisces:

  • Environment: In general, they welcome many friends. They can always invite astrologers as astrologerscan listen to their narration and confer mental solace. They have the desire to give their childrena higher education. They always wish to have educated partner in their life. They love happy domesticlife. They are very affectionate at home.
  • Marriage: These people prefer beauty of their partner, their intellectual pursuits and fine arts.They do not want mean minded partners. Pisces borns will be ever dreaming about love and delaying andpostponing anything to develop the romance.They are kind, sympathetic and loyal in nature. They willbe attracted towards romantic side of life.
  • Finance & Profession: Their main motive of life is basically to help others who need eitherhealth or wealth knowledge. Hence, they may be good nurses, caterers, welfare workers, teachers, accountantsand bankers.

Since 5th house is ruled by planet Moon, hence they may go in the fields like music, opera, cinema etcand take interest in occult science. The exalted Venus produces musicians, poets, actors etc. They cannot concentrate and do any detailed work. They have good business ability and will thrive better asLiaison officer than as Managing Director or Chairman.

They can be succeeded as Ministers and Physicians. The best business or service suited to them willbe sailor in navy, shipping and clearing agents in the harbour, captain of ship, custom house, dealersin drinks, oil, beverages, chemicals, motion picture, service in temple, asylums, etc. Jupiter, lordof Pisces, gets exalted in Cancer i.e. in fifth house for Pisces borns. That is why Pisces born loveand adore their children. They are more like a mirror. They are very much strict with their children.If children are unable to score good or sufficient marks or they are playful then they will not be threatenedand in fact will advise them. The children are normally intelligent and successful in their lives.

  • Places: Pond, ocean, fisheries, fish canneries, backwater, wet places, oil fields, oil tanks,temples, asylum, isolation, jails, water mills, wells etc.
  • Product: Fisheries, rubber, submarine, diving operation, shipping, navigation, liquids.
  • Lucky days: Thursdays, Tuesdays and Sundays. Mondays and Saturdays cause loss. Wednesdays andFridays are inauspicious, Thursdays are recommended for professions. Tuesdays are good for financesand higher studies. Sundays are good for competitions. Saturdays should be avoided for dispute, agreementsetc.
  • Lucky Colours: Red and Yellow, rose and orange will be fortunate.
  • Lucky Numbers: 1, 4, 3, 9 and they should avoid the number 8.
  • Lucky Stone: Pearl,Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire

What do all 12 houses signify for Pisces Born?

Astrology Houses play vital role to understandvarious aspects of our lives. You need to read our Pisces daily horoscope in order to get an idea aboutyour events not happened yet. That can be truly understood by the house significations for Pisces born.Let's understand thoroughly the significations of the houses below for Aquarius sign and how these housesare being operated by the divine:

  • First House: First houseshows about "yourself". Pisces itself rules over the first house for Pisces born people. It is governedby the planet Jupiter.
  • Second House: It shows Family, Wealth, and Finances. Aries is governed by the planet Mars andit governs the second house for Pisces born people.
  • Third house: This house shows about Communication & Siblings in any horoscope. Taurus rulesover this house of astrology for Pisces born and its ruling planet is Venus.
  • Fourth House: Fourth House shows about "Sukhsthana" or the house of mother. Gemini rules overfourth house for Pisces born people and its ruling planet is Mercury.
  • Fifth House: This house shows Children and Education. Cancer rules over fifth house and the ruling planet for this house is Moon.
  • Sixth House: This house shows debt, disease and enemy. Leo rules over Sixth house for Piscesborn and the ruling planet of this house is Sun.
  • Seventh House: This House shows partnership, spouse and marriage. Virgo rules over seventh housefor Pisces born and the ruling planet is Mercury.
  • Eighth House: Eighth house shows about "Longevity" and "Mystery". Libra rules over eighth house and the ruling planet of this sign is Venus.
  • Ninth House: This house shows "Guru/Teacher" & "Religion". Scorpio rules over ninth housefor Pisces rising and the ruling planet is Mars for this sign.
  • Tenth House: This house shows career or profession or Karma sthana. Sagittarius rules over tenthhouse for Pisces born people and the ruling planet is Jupiter.
  • Eleventh House: This house shows the gains and incomes. Capricorn occupies eleventh house forPisces Born people and the ruling planet is Saturn.
  • Twelfth House: Twelfth house shows the expenditure and losses. Aquarius occupies this house forPisces born people and it is ruled by the planet Saturn.

As we have already discussed above the various characteristics for Pisces born people. If you wish toknow more traits of Pisces born on daily basis, you must read our Pisces horoscope today. That willlead you in right direction and also help you to analyse the favourable time to start any auspiciouswork.

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These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!

» MonthlyPiscesHoroscope

July, 2024

July Monthly Horoscope 2024 predicts that this month for the natives of Pisces zodiac will grant medium or average results. ...


These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!

» YearlyPiscesHoroscope

Year 2024

As it has been particularly made for you, Pisces Horoscope 2024 might serve as a medium for resolving crucial issues in your ...


These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!


The creature associated with Pisces is the fish. Associated with future ideas, individual born under this sign are thought to...



Lucky number: 1, 4 and 3
Lucky Color: Red and yellow
Lucky Day: Thursday and Sunday


Select Another Sign

Pisces Horoscope 2024


I am :

Pisces Man - Aries Woman

These natives are empathetic, selfless, and overly emotional. They don’t mind crossing the oceans for the people they love, ...


Pisces Man - Taurus Woman

They are compassionate beings who let their instinct guide them through difficult situations. This makes them impulsive, and...


Pisces Man - Gemini Woman

They don’t handle criticism well and also cannot see other people get hurt. Cruel people are a big turn off for them. They t...


Pisces Man - Cancer Woman

They want to make everyone around them happy, even if it means sacrificing their own happiness in the process. They mirror t...


Pisces Man - Leo Woman

It is one of the most caring and compassionate signs on the zodiac chart. Represented by a Fish, these natives are over-emot...


Pisces Man - Virgo Woman

When they fall in love, they go overboard to express their feelings. Pisces is symbolised by a Fish and is a kind and compas...


Pisces Man - Libra Woman

They will always put others happiness above their own. They can’t tolerate cruel people and won’t do anyone badly, even in t...


Pisces Man - Scorpio Woman

They are compassionate and giving. They trust easily and see the best in people. It is why they sometimes fail to recognise ...


Pisces Man - Sagittarius Woman

These natives are friendly, kind, and put others’ needs before their own. Their selflessness and generosity don’t go unnotic...


Pisces Man - Capricorn Woman

Symbolised by a Fish, Pisces care deeply for the people they love. They don’t hurt anyone intentionally and can’t bear to be...


Pisces Man - Aquarius Woman

They are kind, patient, and compassionate. They would do anything for the people they love and put their needs before their ...


Pisces Man - Pisces Woman

Pisces is the kindest and compassionate sign among all. These natives have a big heart and go out of their way to help other...



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Pisces dates Pisces Zodiac Sign Today Horoscope Today Lucky Colour Today Lucky Number

Pisces Daily Horoscope - Pisces Horoscope Today (2024)


What is going on with Pisces today? ›

Pisces Today

No matter what field you are in, you will find yourself at an advantageous point, well ahead of your contemporaries. You will be able to complete the task at hand will lesser effort than required. Do not let this translate into arrogance as it may come to haunt you in the future, advises Ganesha.

What is Pisces money today? ›

Pisces Money Horoscope Today

Financial success will be there as wealth will come from multiple sources. However, you need to curb the expenses as some emergency may come up in a day or two.

What is Pisces love today? ›

Pisces Love Horoscope Today

Partners will be supportive. Help from friends will be available. Meetings with loved ones will happen. Love relationships will be strengthened.

What is the horoscope for Pisces this month? ›

Address those loose ends and bring some order back to your life, Pisces. The Sun is making its annual trek through Leo and your sixth house of health, organization and systems. While others are still at the shore, you'll be in a back-to-school state of mind.

What is the sad thing about Pisces? ›

Pisceans tend to see the world through a lens of emotion rather than reason. This can make them prone to pessimism and self-pity, as they often feel overwhelmed by the suffering in the world. They may struggle to see the bright side of things and may become consumed by their own negative thoughts and feelings.

What is happening for Pisces this year? ›

2024 Pisces Health, Family & Children Horoscope

You will bond well with your siblings, travel abroad with your partner/spouse, go on pilgrimage with your family, spend a happy period with your children, and start some new work with your partner/spouse – best time to start it would be the middle of the year.

What should a Pisces do to be rich? ›

Pisces should make their own things in order to generate their wealth. Pisces with passive attitude may lead to missed opportunities and loss. Worrying about the incident will not be the solution. Pisces should go after their goal tenaciously.

Are Pisces rich or poor? ›

Pisces people account for 11% of the world's billionaires. Dreamy AF and intuitive as can be, they were born to sell fantasy and the boozy promise of escape.

What year will Pisces be rich? ›

2024 brings an increased level of savings and financial gains from family. It will ensure that you will get over the challenges related to debt, an effort will generate new and multiple sources of income.

Who is Pisces true love? ›

As a fellow water sign, Cancer is highly compatible with Pisces. “Cancer rules Pisces house of true love and passion on the zodiac wheel,” Thomas explains. Both signs are sensitive, nurturing and compassionate, which means they can provide each other with the emotional security and depth needed in a relationship.

Who will fall in love with Pisces? ›

Pisceans are intuitive and sensitive. When you talk about love and compatibility with other sun signs then your love meter shows the highest percentage with Cancer and Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn. Read out the reasons why and in what ways these signs do get compatible with you.

What year will Pisces find love? ›

The year 2024 brings a phase of personal transformation for Pisces in the realm of love. Spiritual introspection, new experiences, and effective communication are key themes for forming meaningful bonds.

Which month is good for Pisces? ›

Monthly Horoscope Prediction says, Embrace Growth and Balance This July. Pisces Monthly Horoscope for July, 2024. July offers Pisces opportunities for personal and professional growth. This month, Pisces will find harmony in love, career advancements, financial stability, and improved health.

What is the future of Pisces? ›

Pisces Yearly Horoscope Predictions 2024: In the beginning of this year Jupiter will open up doors for new opportunities for your career advancement. If you are in business, you may improve your level of productivity. This could be a good time for long-term financial planning and strengthening your financial status.

What do the horoscope say for Pisces today? ›

Home and family matters can be tense as willful Mars in your domestic realm clashes with unyielding Saturn in your sign. It isn't your job to take on every task and assume every responsibility, and you shouldn't be resentful toward others who do less while you do more.

What's happening for Pisces this week? ›

Weekly Horoscopes By Areas of Life. The week will bring harmonious impact. Now, you will be eager to express your emotions to the person you love and take it to the next level. However, you will be emotionally vulnerable, so tread carefully.

What's the deal with Pisces? ›

A mutable sign, Pisces effortlessly adapts to their surroundings. These visionary fish have unparalleled access to the collective unconscious through their clairvoyance and make incredible artists and creatives. Kind and gentle, they're invigorated by shared experiences of music and romance.

Who do Pisces clash with? ›

Geminis or Libras would be a tough combination for a Pisces. Water sign Pisces can go with the flow, so it seems as if either one of these sociable, happy signs would be a nice fit, but Pisces actually prefers peace and quiet and more privacy than a Gemini or Libra.

Why are Pisces closed off? ›

Closed Off

If they're hurt often enough, Pisces may begin to close themselves off as a method of self-protection. Pisces' feelings are already strong enough, and they don't need them toyed with by people who don't have their best interests at heart.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.